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What Makes A Good Website? Guide To Create A Modern Web Design

It shows how a modern web design or website is created

You may have created your first website or want to enhance your website with elements of modern web design. In any case, the Website is the core of all your online marketing channels. What all marketing techniques or channels do is bring visitors to your website and the purpose of the website is to convert the visitors into customers. In marketing this process is called conversion. A bad website will waste your money and other marketing efforts because what is the use of the traffic when you can’t convert them into a customer? Thus the better the website is, the more conversions will happen.

It shows the elements of a modern web design

Why Do You Need A website?

Nearly every business has a website in today’s competitive landscape. It helps in building a strong online presence. Some of the other reasons are :  

  • Attract New customers from Google
  • Makes your business look professional & Builds Trust
  • Showcase your products & services
  • Display best testimonials and reviews, build social proof
  • 24/7 Customer Service making easy for customers to connect with you 
  • Your website can be integrated with Google Maps and help customers locate you
  • Creating & Monitoring a website is easy 
  • Ensure long-term success 
  • Creates your Brand’s voice
  • Cost-effective marketing
  • Generating leads & sales
  • Expand geographical reach
  • Analytics & Insights
It shows how elements of modern web design work together

Elements of the Modern Web Design

An engaging website builds a positive reputation and first impression of your brand. Which increases your conversions, and ROI & improves user experience. However, this is possible only when you have a modern Website that echoes your brand’s voice and style. Also, your website should be optimized for mobile phones with enhanced usability and speed. 

  1. Typography: Nowadays many brands use a specific font to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Their customers identify them from their font. Also, it helps in giving a uniform look to your website. For example, The New Yorker leads their visitors from one section to another based on font size & typography. 
  2. Hamburger Menu: It is a navigational tool that hides a menu and reveals it when users click or tap the icon. This feature doesn’t cover the majority of your page and makes it look more attractive. 
  3. Optimize for speed: Having engaging content, videos, and images won’t help in generating leads, until and unless your website has a good speed. It is advised that a website should load in 3 seconds. 
  4. SEO Optimised Elements: Some of the website designing elements such as meta tags, headings, tags, and other HTML elements belonging to the website’s back-end code enhance the SEO.
  5. Accessibility: A modern web-designed website should have good accessibility. So that people with disabilities can use your website efficiently. Some of the elements like a design for screen readers, ensuring color contrast for people with visual impairments, or having an audio speech feature for people with hearing impairment. 
  6. Ecosystem-based design: You should create a website that echoes your brand’s voice and opinion. Using the same colors and fonts etc can help in creating a brand of your own.
  7. White Space: Have you heard the term, Less is more. Following that many websites let some free white space on their website rather than overcrowding it with stuff. 
  8. Mobile Optimized: Your website should be optimized for mobile phones as the majority of users today use mobile to check websites, e-commerce websites, etc. Your images and videos should be optimized for mobile phones with an average loading time of 27 seconds. 
  9. Cross-Browser Compatibility: A modern website should be compatible with all browsers and to ensure that you must do a cross-browser compatibility test.
  10. Navigation: Your website should be easy to use, and consider a wider audience comprising of elderly people to kids to adults. Everyone should be able to use your website effortlessly 
  11. Hero Images: Having a full-screen image at the base of your website looks very appealing. They are extensive-sized banner images with text written on them, that look engaging.
  12. Ghost Button: These are transparent action buttons used on web pages. 
  13. Background Video: Many websites have a video playing in their background to make it look more engaging and attractive.
  14. Minimalism: While designing a website, you should use the formula of simplicity. Try to keep your website simple rather than overcrowding it. 
  15. Animation: Many websites include features like spinning elements, 3D motion, playful buttons or cursors, navigation menu animation, rotating images, etc to enhance the look of the website. 
  16. Rotated Text: It is relatively standard in web design. 
  17. Card Design: Individual cards visually distribute information so that customers can read the information easily in small box size type of content.
  18. Semi-Flat Design: It is similar to a flat design but with more realistic highlights added as shadows.
 It shows an example of card design on website
Example of hero image in the website
use of white space is shown in picture

How to Get Started 

Nowadays any random software or someone with basic coding knowledge claims to be a web designer but to create an engaging website you need someone who has experience and skills in this. Well, We’ll recommend the Lumia 360 for it. Our web designing process is well-defined and innovative. From Analysis, to know the purpose and goal of the website. The industry and the audience it will cater to, the latest trends, etc. To create site structure, sitemap & technologies used, and Design it. We choose the correct logo, color theme, typography, and other branding elements to make your website attractive. We value your feedback and work on it so that it represents your brand’s voice. We will curate our content accordingly. We use HTML and many more technologies to create your website so that it is compatible with all browsers and bug-free. Not only that if you want we can offer our digital marketing & review management services as well to you.

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