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Understanding SEO in 2024

A crucial aspect of every digital marketing strategy is SEO. In 2023 it has evolved a lot because of AI content and Google updates to improve SERP. In 2024 SEO is expected to evolve more with frequent advancements in AI, and Google updates such as search generative experience (SGE). We can not overlook SEO as it directly affects your website’s traffic, visibility, credibility, brand awareness, and ROI. In this blog, we’ll discover the important strategies of SEO, Trends in 2024, and much more.

What is SEO?

Seo refers to the Search Engine Optimization. The goal of SEO is to increase the organic reach of your website. SEO optimizes various elements of your webpage to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine result pages. It improves the website structure, backlinks, content creation, keyword structure, mobile responsive design, etc to increase website traffic and encourage more engagement and ROI.  An effective SEO strategy ensures that your website ranks higher in Google search results whenever someone searches. 

Importance of SEO

These are some of the reasons why you should use and invest in SEO.

  • Cost Effective
  • Increased visibility
  • Organic traffic
  • Builds credibility & positioning of brand
  • Competitive advantage 
  • Better user experience
  • Increase conversion & ROI
  • Adaptability & longevity
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Data-driven decision making 
SEO in 2024

Effective SEO strategies 

An SEO strategy is a blueprint to create, optimize, and promote content to increase the visibility of your website. It works on various elements of a website such as title tag, image alt text, keywords, inbound links, page speed, high-quality content, etc. These techniques can be classified as On-Page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO. Although every technique and strategy aims to increase organic traffic and rank on SERP.

There are a few steps to create an effective SEO strategy in 2024

  1. Keywords: the first step of every SEO strategy is finding the relevant keywords. You can use various online tools to find the keywords. You can also find relevant keywords from Google searches and related searches. While selecting the keywords you must look for their search volume and difficulty score. Long tail keywords are less competitive compared to short tail keywords. You must also consider seasonal trends, and search intent while selecting keywords. If you’re aiming for local SEO then consider geographical-based keywords.
  2. Watch out for your competitors: There are various tools available that help in analyzing your competitor’s used keywords and their target audience. You can compare the performance of your keywords with theirs and who is pulling how much audience for those keywords. 
  3. Create engaging content: Content is the king in any marketing campaign. Try to create relevant, different, and engaging content. Your content should be optimized for all devices. Don’t do keyword stuffing. 
  4. Backlinks: To enhance your SEO and ranking you must create backlinks. According to a study conducted by Stone Temple Consulting, published on the Moz blog, links help in first-page ranking. The easiest way to create a backlink is by creating high-quality content. If your content is valuable, informative, and contains important statistics, then it has more chances of being linked to other websites.
  5. Optimize On-Page SEO: The elements of On-Page SEO are the title tag, Meta description, Heading (H1, H2), URL structure, Keyword optimization, high-quality content, Internal linking, Image optimization, Page Speed, Mobile optimization, and schema markup. By working on these elements you can enhance your SEO in 2024.
  6. Search intent optimization: Use keywords and content that match the target audience’s search intent. Use a clear Call to action (CTA)
  7. Design: Once you have created relevant and engaging content. Make sure you create a responsive design. Use high-quality images, videos, etc to make your website more attractive.
  8. Link-building strategy: Make an effective link-building strategy. You create backlinks by guest blogging, broken link building, engaging in influencer marketing, building networks & relations, creating engaging and informative content, submitting to directories & PR submission websites, etc. To create links you can also use internal linking. You must monitor your competitor’s link-building strategy as well.
  9. Update: Stay updated with the latest trends and keep upgrading your website & content.
SEO in 2024

Trends in SEO in 2024

These are the potential areas in 2024 where we can see the impact of SEO

  • Voice search optimization: With growing technology, voice-enabled searches and virtual assistants optimizing for voice searches are essential. In 2024 SEO strategies may accommodate conversational queries and structured data markup for voice search
  • AI & machine learning: In 2024 we can see more use of AI-based content creation for SEO optimization. Use of predictive analytics to predict user behavior. 
  • Visual & video optimization: In 2024 we can see more use of high-quality images & videos. It includes image alt text and video description.
  • E-A-T: Google’s emphasis on Expertise, Authhortiveness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) in evaluating website content is still relevant. Websites that deliver these aspects in their niches are expected to perform better.
  • Mobile-first indexing: As the number of mobile usage increases, Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative holds very much importance.
  • Google My Business: Businesses that have a physical presence can take advantage of Local SEO & Google My Business to attract local customers. Optimize search intent by geographically based keywords. Provide accurate information in your Google My Business.
  • User experience (UI) & core web vital metrics: The website should optimize page speed, mobile friendliness, responsiveness, etc to ensure a better user experience. Optimize your core web vital metrics for better results.
  • Privacy considerations: Data protection measures are important in SEO as people nowadays are concerned with online privacy and security. You can do this by implementing data protection regulations and by implementing HTTPS.
Best Practices in SEO
  • Create high-quality & relevant content
  • Focus on improving User Experience
  • Build high-quality backlinks
  • Optimise for the featured snippet
  • Optimize for search intent
  • Optimize Technical SEO & On-Page SEO
  • Optimize local SEO
  • Stay updated with the latest trends and adapt to new technologies


We have explored what is SEO, strategies of SEO, Trends, and best practices of SEO. But it is an ongoing process and to excel in it you need to have basic knowledge. We at Lumia 360 can help you in managing your SEO and other digital marketing strategies. To know more Contact us or Call us at +1 (514) 668 – 5599.

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