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The Importance of User Testing and Interactive Design in Web Development

The Importance of User Testing and Interactive Design in Web Development

In this competitive world, the success of the website doesn’t rely only on the design of the website. A lot of factors combined are responsible for a successful website. 

You have to undergo the process of frequent user testing and interactive website design. So that your website targets your audience effectively and meets their expectations. 

It also helps in establishing a strong brand authority and increasing engagement rates. 

In this article, we learn what is user testing and Interactive design, the benefits and best practices of user testing and interactive design, and much more!

What is user testing and Interactive Design?

User testing is nothing but evaluating a webpage, product, or website by analyzing how real users interact with it. This revaluation allows you to work on your weaknesses and improve them. You can also consider the feedback of the customers. This revaluation is done to improve the speed, usability, accessibility, etc. It also enlightens you about what type of content is working and where you need to improve. It’s an ongoing process. There are different types of user testing such as Usability testing, A/B testing, Beta testing, Guerrilla testing, and Accessibility testing. 

On the other hand, Interactive Design on the website refers to creating a website based on interaction, so that your website interacts with the users. If you strategize this correctly then your conversion rate can increase. These interactive elements help in delivering your message to the users, they highlight your strengths and encourage users to take a desired action. It also allows designers to create a better navigation and user experience. This interactive design aims to make your website more interactive, engaging, and attractive for the users.

Benefits of User Testing and Interactive Design

Best practices for User Testing and Interactive design

The benefits of user testing and interactive design are

  • Enhance user experience: User-testing and interactive design improve user experience. By conducting user testing you can improve your website’s flaws and meet the audience’s expectations. Similarly, interactive design ensures the customer journey is smooth and engaging.
  • Increase Engagement: Adding interactivity helps in gathering user’s attention and makes your website more engaging. By working on the feedback of the users, you can add their suggestions to your website and design to make it more engaging.
  • Increase Conversion Rate: Interactive navigation buttons and Call to Action buttons make the user experience more smooth and encourage them to take a desired action. By incorporating the feedback of the users you can further enhance it.
  • Improve site authority: When the traffic and engagement rate of your website is good then it will increase your site’s authority as well. It also helps in better ranking in search engine result pages.
  • Provide personal experience: Nowadays users want more personal experience. Incorporating the feedback and using it in the form of interactive elements or buttons can help in creating a more personalized experience for the users.
  • Competitor advantage: User-testing and interactive design gives you an edge over competitors. Also, it helps in creating a strong online reputation for your brand.
  • Social Awareness: By adding interactive elements to your website you allow users to share the content of the website on social media. It increases your brand visibility. If you add the correct elements based on the feedback gathered, then you can attract more customers and encourage customer loyalty.

Best practices for User Testing and Interactive design

The best practices for user testing and interactive design are:


  • Target Audience’s Goal: While conducting user testing, your primary goal is to define your user’s goal. This means understanding what your audience desires and expects. Create a design accordingly that fulfills their expectations.
  • Early Testing: Testing is a constant process that you should start from the early stage so that you gather more and more feedback to improve your usability, design, and accessibility.
  • Feedback: Try to gain more and more feedback from your users and different platforms. The more review you will have the more you will improve your customer experience and satisfaction.
  • Revaluate: Revaluate your strategy, feedback, and design constantly. Conduct different rounds of testing till you meet your goal.
  • Implement the changes: Once you have noticed the weaknesses of your website, try to implement such improvements in your design. Also, keep track of these changes so that you can consider them in the future as well and for evaluating the effectiveness of your changes.

Interactive Design

  • Simple: Keep your Design simple and don’t clutter your website with too much content and elements.  
  • Short Content: Keep your content simple and short as it helps in better user attention. Use engaging storytelling techniques to keep your audience engaged. If you want you can add interactive elements to your content as well.
  • Navigation: Use Interactive navigation buttons to engage your users and provide an easy and smooth navigation experience
  • Consistent: Be consistent in your design. Focus on only one or two interactive elements. Do not put too many interactive elements as it can confuse the users or create a fuss.
  • CTA: Use Interactive CTAs to encourage users to perform a desired action. Make sure your CTA is visible and engaging.
  • Error message: Add an error message for your website. You can add interactive elements in an error message as well to keep the audience engaged.
  • Headline: Make sure you create an attractive and engaging Headline. Headlines should be attractive as it is one of the first elements that users see on your website.

Case Studies

Best practices for User Testing and Interactive design

Airbnb is a popular marketplace for rental stays or rental vacations. They focus more on user testing and feedback to improve their services and platform. They conduct regular a/b testing, usability tests, surveys, etc to gather more feedback related to users’ preferences and expectations. 

It has incorporated changes in its website based on the results or feedback of the users. It has resulted in higher user experience, user satisfaction, engagement, loyalty, and conversion rates. Also, they incorporated some interactive elements in their website as well. The Airbnb Virtual tours are a great example of this. It has increased their booking and sales. 

The Nike+ Running app

It has incorporated interactive elements to increase the engagement rate. It tracks the user’s speed, distance, time, etc. It also provides feedback on hour performance. It increases the engagement rate and user experience. 


Spotify is a leading music streaming service, that focuses on customer-centric design and user feedback. They frequently conduct usability tests and data analytics etc to understand user behavior and preferences. By incorporating these changes Spotify has introduced new features with interactive design, increasing user satisfaction and engagement rate. 


User testing and interactive design increase user satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, user experience, and conversion rate. If we follow the correct strategy and best practices, we can maximize the benefits of user testing and interactive design by creating innovative solutions to meet customer’s expectations. We at Lumia 360 create interactive and responsive websites by following our  5 stages of the web designing process. Our team of web designers are well experienced and value customer feedback. To know more about our services email us at or call us at 514-668-5599.

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