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Google Search Tricks for SEO

June 6, 2024/

Google is a go-to search engine for everyone. Whenever someone wants to know anything related to a brand they google it. The reviews they read on Google impact their purchasing decisions. However, due to the large volume of information, many businesses lack visibility and remain…

The Importance of Website Performance Optimization

May 15, 2024/

In today’s digital competitive world, every website is competing for user’s attention and engagement. Website performance creates the first impression of your brand in the user’s mind. If the performance of the website is good and better than your competitors then at first glance your…

Creating Engaging Landing Pages

May 14, 2024/

We all have heard the phrase, First impression is the last impression. For many users, our landing page is the first impression of our brand. It is the first time they visit or learn about us. In this competitive landscape, all websites are aiming for…

Color Psychology in Web Design

May 2, 2024/

Do colors really make an impact on your website and its performance? In web design, colors influence where we look, click and perceive different elements of a web website. This is the reason some brands use some color particularly to highlight or create a brand…

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