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Content Marketing Strategies for 2024

Content Marketing Strategies for 2024

Understanding the latest trends in content marketing is important if you want to stay relevant in the business. Content marketing improves your engagement. With improvements in technology, it is assumed AI will dominate the content marketing industry. 

According to a study, 67% of B2B marketers say content marketing is an effective tool to create leads in 2023.  

Your content marketing is the core part of your digital marketing strategy. 44% of buyers read three to five content materials before engaging with a business. In this article, we’ll learn what content marketing is and the content marketing strategies for 2024!

What is Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing

Content marketing refers to a strategy where you use multiple channels such as social media, podcasts, websites, videos, images, infographics, presentations, blogs, case studies, emails, ad copy, banners with taglines, etc to attract potential customers. You have to create the content for these and then post or publish it at a relevant or suitable time, the time of sharing your content also matters. Once you have created and posted it, you must share it more and more so that it reaches new audiences. This increases your brand awareness, engagement, and eventually sales. 

Create content that matches your customer’s preferences and expectations. In the market, plenty of options are available. You need to stand out by creating engaging content. So must create a strong bond or community with your customers so that they feel emotionally connected to you. Once they feel emotionally connected and feel that you value them, they can perhaps become your brand’s advocate. 

Your content must provide the necessary information at the same time it must be entertaining and engaging. The content must meet the expectations of customers and fulfill your goal as well. Selecting the correct platform and time also matters a lot. Having a strong content marketing strategy can increase your brand awareness, engagement rate, and conversion rate, build relationships with customers, establish a strong brand identity, earn referrals, attract new customers, increase website traffic, save time, customer retention, high SERP ranking, brand advocates, and provide a clear vision for the future. You must stay updated and learn about the latest trends. A successful content marketing strategy is where your content becomes viral on multiple channels. Also, it is important to track your performance using suitable KPIs and make the necessary changes to it time and again.

Content Marketing Strategies for 2024

Content Marketing Strategies for 2024

The basic content marketing strategy is to create a goal➡️ select the KPIs➡️ define target audience➡️ conduct a content audit➡️ Select the appropriate channel or platform➡️ Select the content management system➡️ Select the type of content and target keywords➡️ Create content➡️ Work on the content calendar➡️ Add internal and external links➡️ Track result➡️ Promote your content, use influencer marketing, use UGC and reviews➡️ Make necessary change to the strategy. 

Let us know explore the content marketing strategies that will be relevant in 2024 

  • According to hubSpot, 30% of marketers feel that they will use short-form videos in 2024.
  • 45% of marketers use AI to find new ideas, 31% use it for creating outlines, 18% use it to draft content and 6% use it to write content. We will suggest you use AI as a reference and not to replace writers and editors. Adding a human-like element or tone to your content is essential. 
  • 87% of social sellers feel that selling on social media is effective and 59% said that they made more sales on social media in 2023 than in 2022. 
  • Invest more in social media marketing as the number of social media users is increasing with time. In 2024 5.07 billion people will use social media. Google data states that around 40% of young people make searches on TikTok or Instagram. 
  • Invest more in podcasts, over 71 million people will listen to podcasts in 2025. Podcasts can also generate viral short-form content as well in the form of reels and YouTube shorts. Podcasts help in better understanding of your product and services to the audience and increase your brand awareness.
  • Investing in video marketing, users engage more with video content as compared to other types of content. The short-form video content has gained massive popularity, they are 52% more likely to be shared than other forms of videos. According to Wyzowl, 91% of businesses use video content as part of their marketing strategy. 
  • Create engaging content, you can add an element of surprise, curiosity, and humor to your content. These types of content are more likely to become viral and increase brand awareness. 
  • Google focuses on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and Google’s Search Generative Experience motivates the creators to create content that is accurate and relevant. You can add interactive elements to your content, give examples in your content, add multimedia content or collaborate with industry experts, highlight your brand’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition), create informative content after conducting deep research, etc can make your content more appealing and rank higher. 
  • Using AI for content marketing can make you rank high by improving your SEO. You can combine the elements of AI with human creativity to adhere to E-E-A-T requirements. 
  • Invest more in BTS (behind the scenes) content, live videos, etc as it informs the users more about the brand and how it’s working. A brand can establish its authenticity and unique identity by doing so and building stronger relationships with customers.
  • Use AI technologies to improve your CTR.
  • Use AI to improve your podcast by transcribing audio, optimizing title and meta description, summarizing text and audio files, adding background music, improving sound quality, providing additional ideas, etc to improve your SEO. Google audio indexing can increase your visibility by ranking you higher in search results. 
  • Focus more on niche content marketing, you can use AI as well for this. 
  • Stay relevant on important and relevant channels and platforms rather than focusing on every channel. Conduct live or invite people for a workshop to build a connection with your audience. 
  • Add an element of personalization to your content. Audiences like an element of personalization in the content to feel connected and valued. You create a personalized email, comment, etc. YouTube follows a similar strategy the more you engage with the platform, the more customized is your homepage. According to McKinsey, 76% of customers say that personalized communication from a brand impacts their purchasing decisions. 
  • Voice searches are gaining popularity in 2024. Make sure your content is easily accessible, understandable, and easily located by the voice assistants. It will increase your brand visibility and attract new customers. It is estimated that the number of digital voice assistants will reach 8.4 billion in 2024. 
  • Shoppable content and product integration will simplify the process of buying. The customers will buy what they see in the content. You must share your shoppable content or use an influencer to promote it. 
  • A new trend is emerging employee-influencer content, wherein your employees regularly post about your business, products and services, events, etc on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. They also post their day-to-day schedule at work etc to make people more interested in your business. 
  • Retain your old content marketing strategies of owned media, topic clusters, and original research. 
  • Create relevant and informative long-form content. According to HubSpot articles with a word count of 2,250 to 2,500 words saw the highest organic traffic and more engagement and social shares. 
  • Optimize your content for mobile devices. According to eMarketer, 75% of short-form video viewership is from mobile devices. 

Create a holistic approach where you know which type of content will suit which type of social media platform. According to the Content Marketing Institute, marketers are distributing content on different channels such as email, blogs, social media, etc for better visibility and engagement.


Following the latest trends in content marketing helps you stay ahead of the curve and for better positioning of your brand. Try to be more honest and engage in your content marketing strategy. Mix AI elements with Humanistic elements to create balanced content. Use emotion in your content or storytelling to engage the customers. 

We at Lumia 360, can help you formulate a data-driven and successful content marketing strategy. Our digital marketing plan includes everything you need! We have catered to 150+ clients. To know more about our marketing plan email us at or call us at 514-668-5599. Contact us now and get a 14-day free trial! 

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