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How To Optimize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Campaign

How To Optimize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Campaign

Pay-per-click or PPC advertisements are available all around us. You must have seen such ads on Google and social media. 

Pay Per Click is an internet marketing where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ads. Businesses place such ads on Google search and social media and pay only when a user clicks on the ad. 45% of small businesses invest in Pay-per-click advertisements. Also, advertisers are expected to spend $190.5 billion on search advertisements in 2024 globally. 

In this article, we’ll learn what PPC ads are, their importance, and how to optimize the ads.

What is Pay Per Click and its types? 

Pay Per Click or PPC ads is an advertising model where advertisers pay only when a user clicks on their ads. Advertisers bid on the perceived value of a click in comparison to the keywords, platforms, and audience type in which it is placed. PPC is an effective way to bring traffic to your website. Keyword research, ad auction, ad group, and quality score are important components of PPC ads. It is a cost-effective strategy because if your PPC strategy is efficient, the free is minimal because the click is worth more than what you pay. For example, if you pay $5 per click, and the click results in a $500 sale, then the profit is huge. In such a case, the fee for the click is the bare minimum. 

These ads appear in various sizes and can consist of text, video, image, or a combination and can appear on websites, google, and social media platforms. Search engine ads are one of the most famous forms of pay-per-click. Advertisers bid for the placement of the ad in search engine results pages. Some other popular PPC marketing platforms are Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Linkedin Ads, Microsoft Ads, Amazon Ads, Yelp Ads, Etsy Ads etc. 

There are many types of PPC ads such as search, display, remarketing, video, local search ads, etc. A search ad appears on top of the search engine result page (SERP) whenever a person enters a specific keyword into a search engine, these ads are basically text-based ads. A display ad is an ad that appears on websites and other social media in the form of a banner or graphical content. These ads are visually attractive. A remarketing ad is shown to users who have previously interacted with your brand. A video ad uses video content and appears on websites, social media, and streaming platforms such as YouTube etc. They can be skippable or non-skippable ads, pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads.

What is the importance of PPC?

What is the importance of PPC and its types?

PPC ads are an asset for a business, not an expenditure. While creating a ppc campaign you must consider your target audience, relevant keywords, goals, attractive ad copy, choosing the right platform, monitor and optimize the campaign, test and target different ad groups and set a budget. It benefits our brand in the following ways

  • Reputation Management: By aiding SEO, increasing your brand awareness you can manage the reputation of your brand. 
  • Target Audience: It helps marketers to target specific demographics, interests, behavior, preferences, location, language etc to target audience. You can also target individuals also based on their behavior and interests. 
  • Quick Results: PPC ads provide quick results. It helps in increasing your website’s traffic. 
  • Cost Effective: PPC is cost effective as compared to traditional advertising such as print ads and television ads. In ppc ads, you pay only when your ad receives a click. 
  • Branding: PPC increases your brand awareness and even if a user doesn’t click your ad, they do remember seeing your ad and your brand name. 
  • Helps in monitoring your goals: Tools such as Google Analytics helps in tracking your goals. Monitor the real time updates of your ad and make necessary adjustments. 
  • Measurable and easy tracking: PPC provides measurable results. Marketers can track conversions and return on investment etc. 
  • Aid SEO: PPC can compliment your SEO. SEO drives organic traffic and ppc ads drive immediate traffic to your website. 
  • Attract new customers: It increases your brand awareness and visibility. It helps in attracting new customers who may previously not be aware of your brand. 
  • Easy modification: While running a campaign you can easily make necessary changes to your campaign such changing click bid, budget, strategy etc. 
  • Brand awareness: PPC ads increase brand awareness by increasing your brand’s visibility. 
  • Traffic: PPC ads drive immediate traffic to your website. 
  • High CTR, conversion rate and sales: It increases your click through rate, conversion rate and sales. You pay only when a user clicks on your ad. If they find your landing page appealing they can convert and increase your sales. 

How to optimize PPC

How to optimize PPC

Pay Per Click ads increase your awareness, website traffic, and sales. Here some of the factors that can optimize your ppc ads

  • Relevant Keyword and change it with time: Bid for the relevant keywords that helps in better performance of your ad. Review your keywords timely and change it with time if you feel your keyword is underperforming. 
  • Account structure: Having a strong account structure is very important for creating a successful ppc ad. 
  • Quality of ad and landing page: Improve the quality of ad and landing page. Make sure the cta of the landing page is attractive and attention grabbing. Create an emotion evoking and attractive ad copy. Google gives the best ad placement and lower cost to businesses that provide good customer experience. 
  • Add negative keywords: Add non converting terms such as negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy and to reduce the wastage of budget. 
  • Test Ad group: Test different ad groups to monitor which ad group performs the best. 
  • Use demographic targeting for better targeting of your audience: Use demographic features to better target your audience. Use features like interest, behavior etc for better targeting. Better the targeting, better the quality of leads will be. 
  • A/B testing your copy and creatives: Always test your ad copy and creatives and different ad groups. A/B testing helps you in knowing which ad copy is performing better for which ad group and helps in making wise decisions. 

We have learned why Pay Per Click ads are important for your business. It increases your brand awareness and visibility. It increases your website traffic, conversions and sales. It aids SEO and helps in reputation management as well. Lumia 360 has an effective Pay Per Click Advertising strategy that guarantees lead generation, increase in customer base and better ranking on search engines result page. We cater to small and medium enterprises as we understand their special needs and requirements. To know more about services and plans email us at or call us at 514-668-5599.

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